
Guidelines for Authors - West Bengal State Branch

MANUSCRIPTS PREPARATION Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor, in original & two complete copies, including illustrcllions. The manuscript should also be sent in two floppies / CD and pictures be sent in original for better reproduction. The authors name is to be written only on the original copy, and not on the xerox copies. The manuscripts should be type written, double-spaced on one side of the paper, with atleast one inch margin on all sides. All pages should be numbered sequentially.
TITLE PAGE Title page should include the title of the article and the name, degrees, position, professional affiliation of each author. The corresponding author's fax, telephone, e-mail address and complete mailing address must be provided.
ABSTRACT / KEYWORDS Page 2 should include a maximum of 200 words abstract with abbreviated title for the page head use. The abstract should state the purpose of the study ( investigations, basic procedures, main findings and the principal conclusions. Emphasize new and important aspects of the study (observations. Only opproveol abbreviations are to be used.
CLINICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT Experimental Investigations should include a brief statement of the clinical relevance of the paper.
Text: The text of orticles should be divided into sections with the headings Introduction, Material & Methods, Results and Discussions.INTRODUCTION Summarise the purpose and rationale of the study. Give only pertinent references & please do not extensively review the subiect. Clearly state the working hypothesis only.
MATERIAL & METHODS To allow confirmation of the observations, present the material in sufficient detail. Published methods should be referred to & discussed briefly. if modifications have been made, provide the details.
RESULTS Present results in a logical sequence in the text, tables & illustrotions. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables, summarise only important observations.DISCUSSIONS Emphasize the new & important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow them. Do not repeat the observations to other relevant studies. Relate observations to other relevant studies & point out the implications of the findings & their limitations. Avoid unqualified statements & conclusions not completely supported by your data. Recommendations, when appropriate, may be included.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledge only persons who have made significant contributions to the study. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from persons acknowledged by name because readers may infer their endorsement of the data & conclusions.
REFERENCES Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. The reference list should be double spaced at the end of the article in numeric sequence.
All references given must be cited in the text, numbered in order of appearance. Use the style which are based on the formats used by the U 5 National Library of Medicine in Index medicus. Do not include unpublished data or personal communications in the reference list. Cite such references in parenthesis in the text & include a date.
Avoid using abstracts as references. Provide complete information for each reference, including names of all authors. If the reference is to a part of a book, also include the title of the chapter & names of the book's editor(s). Journal references should include authors name, article title, abbreviated (as per standards) journal name, volume number, page number & year. References must be verified by the author(s) against documents.
ILLUSTRATIONS All illustrotions must be numbered and cited in the text in order of appearonce. On the back of each illustration, place a label with the article r,tle & figure number only. Do not include author names. Indicate on the top edge lightly in pencil. Do not bend, fold or use, paper clips.
Instead of original drawings, roentgenograms & other material, send sharp, glossy colour, black and white photographic prints, usually 127 by 173 mm (5 by 7 inch) but not larger than 203 by 254 mm (8 by 10 inches). Letters, numbers and symbols should be clear and of sufficient size. For illustrations in colour, supply colour positives/transparencies and when necessary accompanying drawing marked to indicate the region to be reproduced.
Photographs of X-rays should be sent and not the original X-rays. If photographs of persons are used, either the subjects must not be identifiable or their pictures must be accompanied by written permission to use the photograph.
LABLES Each table should be logically organised on a separate sheet & numbered consecutively. The title & footnotes should be included with the table.
COPYRIGHT To ensure maximum dissemination and copyright protection of material published in the iournal, copyright must be explicitly transferred from the author to the Indian Dental Association. Submission of manuscripts implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of published lecture, review or thesis) that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere & if accepted, it will not be published alsewhere in the same form in either the same or another language without the consent of copyright holders. The copyright covers the exclusive rights of photographic reprints, video cassettes and such similar things. Certificate signed byauthor/s to this effect be submitted with the manuscript.
The editors & publishers accept no legal responsibility for any errors, omissions or opinions expressed by authors. The publisher makes no warranty for expressions implied with respect to the materials contained therein. The journal is edited & published under the directions of the iournal . committee, which reserves the right to reject any material without ,..­giving explanations. '. All communication should be addressed to the Editor. Request for' change of address should be referred to Hon. Secy. General. No responsibility will be taken for undelivered issue due to circumstances beyond the control of the publisher.
PHOTOGRAPHS Authors photograph-stamp size, glossy. Diagrams 8 cm (width) x 4 cm (length) or larger. Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor are encouraged to stimulate a healthy dialogue relating to the speciality. BOOKS FOR REVIEW Books & monographs will be reviewed based on their relevance to JIDA readers. Books should be sent to the Editor & will become the property of JIDA.